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Life is Not Balanced— But Balance Yours

Life is funny, unfair and grilling in nature. We come here and found out that life examines us before teaching us. Many of us fail life’s examinations because we were not prepared.

How can we prepare when we do not even know the syllabus? How do we prepare when many of us do not have a focus of why we are here?

Can we pass when we do not have the necessary texts, guidebook and tools to decipher what life is teaching us? What of our being clueless and being without vision?

How many of us know who we are? What of knowing what we are given as talents and the reasons we were given those talents? How many of us bother studying life in all its entirety and trying to fit such to our existence?

How many of us really know who we are and why we are who we are? How many are comfortable with US- I mean our SELF?

Where is our originality and identity? When we do not know these, there is no way we can pass Life’s examination.

The first step is to find our SELF, be original and find our purpose here while dumping distractions of survival and existence

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You are Not Alone!

I saw a poster once. There were two footprints on a beach. After some time the footprints became one. Then a man asked God, where were you when I faced the most difficult situations of my life.

God answered, you were not alone, that was when I carried you. Our life is not a season of joyous moments all through, there were periods of sadness and pain. At such periods we may have the feeling that God has deserted us.

God may be silent then, but he was working on our cases.

Remember, when you think God is not with you, that’s when he is sheltering you and working in your favour. Believe it, you are never ALONE.

There is no Life without Troubles

What’s an object without motion? What’s life without friction? Can there be peace without conflict? What’s our life without trials and tribulations? Empty. When life hits us hard, it prepares us. Life hard knocks help us to know friends, to gain strength and realise who we are.

When the iron ore is taken from the soil, it is dirty and rough. When passed through the blast furnace at the highest temperature, it comes out as stainless steel. One of the purest metal in the world. When diamond is hewed from the ground it is dirty, rough and uncut. When it is cleaned with chemicals, cut with the highest cutting tool in the world, á diamond like itself, it then glitters, shine and becomes what human beings kill for.

So, when life batters you and takes you through the wringer, don’t worry, be calm. You are just being made better. No matter what you are going through now that seems unending, be calm and you will be better for it. It those God chose as tools that he puts through the furnace. So, stick in there, have FAITH and no FEAR; it will soon END.

Maintain a Positive Outlook at Life

Today’s quotation summarizes life for us. It makes us to realize that there is duality in nature and life. We cannot recognize hunger unless we are full nor appreciate health unless we are ill or sick.

There are many things we take for granted in our day to day existence but they are not to be taken for granted. We must accept this fact and then, we can cope with whatever life throws at us since life is not always fear.

However, if we can always see the best in ourselves and others, forgives the worst that ever happened to us and forget the worst and the bad of our experiences; then our soul will never lose hope. We will then be a better human being and end up being fulfilled.

Have a good morning and a rollicking weekend.

Have Courage and Move On

Life is tough and not fair. Coming into the world for us was in blindfold. We did not know what we are going to meet or go through. As our lives unfold in front of us with the passage of time, life happens.

We come across various scenarios of life on stage. Some pleasant, many unpleasant and many times of choice and decision making. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a cul de sac.

Like the Yoruba people will say, “ Iwájú ò sé lo, bénì èyìn ò se padà sí”( One cannot move forward and one cannot turn backward). Such times try our patience, faith and belief.
However, the key of existence is movement. One must move on. What are you going through now? Is your life breaks down around you? Are your plans disappearing in smoke? Is life battering you like a battering ram? Wait, take a breath and move forward no matter how painful. There is always light at the end of any tunnel. Don’t give, don’t quit.

There is hope for you. Just grit teeth and move FORWARD.

Being Different – Understanding Yourself More

We all are what we think. Our lives are made of thoughts. We think it leads to action, the action leads to habit forming, habits are formed and a life is born and we live this life, and actions and reactions come up. We then become who we are in reaction to those actions and reactions. Examine your thoughts. Or you don’t think at all?
Watch your thoughts. What thoughts appeal to you most? Sad? Happy? Wicked? Dangerous? Suicidal? Harming others? Deceit? Cheating? Innovating? Creative? Selfish? Compassionate? Being generous? Being helpful? Destroying others? or building others up? We all have thoughts that race through our minds daily. The thoughts we feed are the one that grow and define us. We sleep and wake up every day thinking how we need to make money, and ways of making money will come to us. The shortcuts, the positive ways which will take time, and the negative ways which will take a shorter time but which we and our generations yet unborn will come to us. The beauty of all these thoughts coming to our minds is that we have SELF-WILL and CHOICE. As we choose which thoughts to grow, however, we need to understand that there are repercussions of our choices and the effects of the thoughts we linger on and build. Our thoughts are the building blocks of our life, we all have to live in the houses we build with our thoughts.
One other fact we need to understand and know concerning our thoughts is that we all think in pictures. A good example is a man whose wife sleeps with another man. The first picture that comes to his mind is the physical shape of the man who is able to sleep with his woman. Is he taller than me? Fairer? Richer? Stronger? Is he a six-pack kind of man? Is his manhood bigger than mine or smaller? How about his looks? Handsome? Do I have a chance of competition? Younger or older than me? In asking these questions, they come to the man through pictures. As human beings, we see in pictures and think through pictures. So, you want to be different, succeed, and achieve, visualize what you want. If you have a project you want to do, visualize it mentally and give it positive thoughts.
One other thing about our thoughts is that they build on themselves. A thought will attract thoughts that are like them. As they attract like thoughts, they grow and will always come back to the person who initiated the thought in the first instance. Hence the saying, whatever you sow, you reap. The aspect not stressed is that it takes time for what you sow to come to you and that they come in multiples while you sow singly.
So be careful of what you think. When you are thinking, you are laying a bed, and be careful of the bed you make. You shall surely lie on it. There is no cheating or shortcut in nature. Nature will always repay you in multiples. So, beware and be warned. As you control your thoughts and manage them positively, a new person will begin to emerge and you will know you are becoming a different person. The changes will become clear.
Let’s say you are a sloth, full person. You start thinking about changing this to a more hardworking person, as you think more on this, like thoughts come to you and slowly you leave your slothful ways. Let us say you are a vengeful person and you decide to become forgiving. You will be surprised at the person that emerges from this change of mind. Have you ever wondered how it is that when you think there is no way out of a quandary you find yourself but the moment you start thinking of ways out and you either pray about it or passionately ask for help out of the problem, nature will start directing solutions to you.

Thoughts are the key to unfurling your potentials. Master your thoughts and you will master anything or any challenge you may come across. Know that your thoughts are from you and will come back to you.
Now that you have been able to get the new person out, what next?

Being Different – Knowing Yourself

You only have you. The only you meant to be pampered, improved upon, and loved. Hence the words: love your neighbour as yourself. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love another?
To know yourself is to love yourself. Look around you, do you ever love a person, an object, or an idea without first examining the idea, object or person? However, before trying to examine and inquire into your love object or idea or person you must first accept the loved person, object or idea. So, the first step in knowing yourself on the way to being different is to accept yourself. You must accept who you are. If you reject your personhood, who will love you?

Many people reject who they are. They are not comfortable in their body or even skin. It could be physical. They want to be taller, shorter, fairer, fatter or skinnier than they are presently. It may be mental, they want to be smarter, less intelligent than who they are now, or overall want a different body, brain, or person. On the reverse are those who hate themselves. They so hate who they are that they do everything to hurt their person. They make wrong decisions, use their body wrongly, and take actions that will not elevate their person because they greatly detest who they are. In this category are those who drink themselves to death, those who loved being abused, and a host of others who make decisions detrimental to their being, progress, and living. The question is why do they do such things? In most cases, they have not accepted who they found themselves to be.
In another category are those who think and act low or less of themselves. They believe they are unworthy, not up to par, or just inadequate in themselves. The key to this behaviour is non-acceptance of who they are.
This behaviour then makes it impossible for them to progress. The main solution to the above is acceptance of self. How do you accept yourself in the first instance, know yourself, and then ultimately love yourself to the point of loving others?

After accepting yourself, that is, accepting the whole package of who you are, warts and all; what you need to do next is to know who you are. Who are you? What do you know about yourself? Do one thing, please, examine yourself. What score do you think you will score if you are to be examined on yourself? Excellent? Average? Passable? Or outrightly poor?

What, however, has examining yourself got to do with knowing yourself?

Being Different

A keen observer of me as a person will quickly realize one fact, I am different. I am a different and unique individual who creates a niche for myself.

These differences are reflected in the way I live, what I do, what I eat, how I work and my entire personality. So, if you put me beside others, you will be able to decipher quickly that I am a different individual from the run of the mill individuals. I have a template of living my life in a way that makes me a distinct person.
However, being different is an arduous task, lonely, tasking, involving and demanding. When you are different from the common run, you will have opposition, you will be examined critically, studied and many would want to be your friend while others will just hate you for no reason.

You don’t owe anyone any explanation. The creator did not create everyone to be the same. Look into nature and creation and you will find out that the world is not monochromic but a place of varieties. Take human beings, we are as varied as we can be.

The more than 7.2 billion people in the world are so diversified and varied to the pint that no two individuals are the same even if they are identical twins. This is reflected in the using of biometric indices as a measure of differentiating human beings.

So, you are different. You are the original created by God and there are no two of you. The original copy will always be different from the photocopy. If the creator made you distinct, why do you make yourself a copy of another person. Being different means that you want to maintain your unique qualities, skills, values and talents given to you to use on this earth. However, it is not going to be easy because our world will want you to be like others and fall in to being a product from the factory. That is same shape, same content and same colour. Human beings however, are not like that. To process you into becoming same of same, the society uses many means. These include the media, the socializing agents like family, culture and education through schooling.
You need to break free from all of them and realize that when you came to this world you came in single and when you will get out of this plane you will exit singly. You brought nothing into this world and you will take nothing out of this world.

The only record of what you are and who you are will only be recorded through your being unique and different because that is what will make you have an impact. Being different however is a battle. A battle against all those who want you to be like them. Their list is long: your parents, your religious leaders, your friends, your siblings, your family, your colleagues at work and your neighbors and acquaintances. The easiest way is to fall in to becoming like them while the hardest way is trying to be yourself.
The question then is how do you maintain who you are while being different and unique?