Maintain a Positive Outlook at Life
Today’s quotation summarizes life for us. It makes us to realize that there is duality in nature and life. We cannot recognize hunger unless we are full nor appreciate health unless we are ill or sick.
There are many things we take for granted in our
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Life is Not Balanced— But Balance Yours
Life is funny, unfair and grilling in nature. We come here and found out that life examines us before teaching us. Many of us fail life’s examinations because we were not prepared.
How can we prepare when we do not even know the syllabus? How do we prepare when many of us do not have a focus of why we are here?
Can we pass when we do not have the necessary texts, guidebook and tools to decipher what life is teaching us? What of our being clueless and being without vision?
How many of us know who we are? What of knowing what we are given as talents and the reasons we were given those talents? How many of us bother studying life in all its entirety and trying to fit such to our existence?
How many of us really know who we are and why we are who we are? How many are comfortable with US- I mean our SELF?
Where is our originality and identity? When we do not know these, there is no way we can pass Life’s examination.
The first step is to find our SELF, be original and find our purpose here while dumping distractions of survival and existence
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You are Not Alone!
I saw a poster once. There were two footprints on a beach. After some time the footprints became one. Then a man asked God, where were you when I faced the most difficult situations of my life.
God answered, you were not alone, that was when I carried you. Our life is not a season of joyous moments all through, there were periods of sadness and pain. At such periods we may have the feeling that God has deserted us.
God may be silent then, but he was working on our cases.
Remember, when you think God is not with you, that’s when he is sheltering you and working in your favour. Believe it, you are never ALONE.
There is no Life without Troubles
What’s an object without motion? What’s life without friction? Can there be peace without conflict? What’s our life without trials and tribulations? Empty. When life hits us hard, it prepares us. Life hard knocks help us to know friends, to gain strength and realise who we are.
When the iron ore is taken from the soil, it is dirty and rough. When passed through the blast furnace at the highest temperature, it comes out as stainless steel. One of the purest metal in the world. When diamond is hewed from the ground it is dirty, rough and uncut. When it is cleaned with chemicals, cut with the highest cutting tool in the world, á diamond like itself, it then glitters, shine and becomes what human beings kill for.
So, when life batters you and takes you through the wringer, don’t worry, be calm. You are just being made better. No matter what you are going through now that seems unending, be calm and you will be better for it. It those God chose as tools that he puts through the furnace. So, stick in there, have FAITH and no FEAR; it will soon END.